The 5 Best-Designed Children’s Books Have Been Announced

Today, on February 7, the winners of the “5 Best-Designed Books 2025” and “25 Best-Designed Estonian Books 2024” competitions will be announced at the Writers’ House in Tallinn. The special award of the Estonian Children’s Literature Centre was given to Prügikasti pühapäev (Sunday at the Trash Bin), illustrated and designed by Eike Ülesoo and written by Veronika Kivisilla.

The book’s playful illustrations in bright tones enhance the inspiring story and add visual charm. Illustrator Eike Ülesoo has skillfully captured the emotional flow of the story and its various characters, enriching the images with delightful surprises and intricate details.

A total of 57 works participated in the “5 Best-Designed Books” competition. The head of the jury, Tuulike Kivestu, noted that the selected books stood out for their unique and well-crafted illustrations. “We recognized the dynamics, wit, and connection between the illustrations and the text. Naturally, the book’s design, including an attractive cover, was also highly valued.”

The jury selected the following books as the five best-designed books:

  • Härra Haraldi unistuste aed (Mr. Harald’s Dream Garden) – illustrated and designed by Marja-Liisa Plats, written by Anti Saar;
  • Suur saladus (The Big Secret) – illustrated by Marju Tammik, designed by Tuuli Aule, written by Piret Jaaks;
  • Notsu suur soov (The Little Pig’s Big Wish) – illustrated by Reda Tomingas, designed by Signe Kanarbik, written by Katrin Tõnisson;
  • Poiss ja papa (The Boy and Dad) – illustrated by Anne Pikkov, designed by Signe Kanarbik, written by Triinu Laan;
  • Kass Kipperi mereseiklus (Cat Kipper’s Sea Adventure) – illustrated by Sirly Oder, designed by Angelika Schneider, written by Kätlin Vainola.

Special prizes were awarded to the following books:

  • Puhas lora (Pure Nonsense) – illustrated and designed by Regina Lukk-Toompere, written by Doris Kareva (Jury’s Special Prize);
  • Leiwamasin (The Bread Machine) – illustrated, designed, and written by Jonas Taul (Estonian Graphic Designers’ Association’s Special Prize);
  • Prügikasti pühapäev (Sunday at the Trash Bin) – illustrated and designed by Eike Ülesoo, written by Veronika Kivisilla (Estonian Children’s Literature Centre’s Special Prize);
  • Jõulud Islandi moodi (Christmas the Icelandic Way) – illustrated and designed by Anna-Elizaveta Žurbenko, written by Kätlin Kaldmaa (Jury’s Special Mention for a Newcomer).

The jury for the “5 Best-Designed Children’s Books” competition included Tuulike Kivestu (Estonian Graphic Designers’ Association), Kristjan Mändmaa (Estonian Graphic Designers’ Association), Virge Loo (National Library of Estonia), Sirly Oder (Estonian Graphic Designers’ Association), Ulla Saar (Estonian Graphic Designers’ Association), Triin Soone (Estonian Children’s Literature Centre), Viive Noor (Estonian Graphic Designers’ Association), Jaan Rõõmus (Estonian Graphic Designers’ Association), and Krista Vilippus (Estonian Publishers’ Association).

The competition runs concurrently with the “25 Best-Designed Estonian Books” competition, which this year stood out for the increased number of participating children’s books. Some children’s books were included for evaluation in the adult book category. Among those children’s books, the following titles were selected as part of the 25 best-designed Estonian books:

  • Kaval Polly ja rumal hunt (Clever Polly and the Stupid Wolf) – illustrated and designed by Karel Korp, written by Catherine Storr.
  • Natuke Suur (A Little Bit Big) – illustrated by Anne Pikkov, designed by Endla Toots, written by Kairi Look;
  • Suur saladus (A Big Secret) – illustrated by Marju Tammik, designed by Tuuli Aule, written by Kairi Look;
  • Härra Haraldi unistuste aed (Mr. Harald’s Dream Garden) – illustrated and designed by Marja-Liisa Plats, written by Anti Saar;
  • Haki odru (The Jackdaw Order) – illustrated by Anu Kalm, designed by Angelika Schneider, written by Tuul Sepp;
  • Maie ja Mummi (Maie and Mummi) – illustrated, designed, and written by Kadri-Maria Külaots;

The competition for the best-designed books has been held since 1998, with the aim of valuing illustrated children’s books as an essential part of cultural heritage. The “5 Best-Designed Estonian Children’s Books” and “25 Best-Designed Estonian Books” competitions are organized by the National Library of Estonia, the Estonian Publishers’ Association, the Estonian Graphic Designers’ Association, the Estonian Children’s Literature Centre, and the Estonian Printing and Packaging Industry Association.

The winning books can be viewed on the National Library of Estonia’s website (EST).

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