Cultural Endowment Announces Nominees for the Literature Endowment Annual Awards

The Cultural Endowment of Estonia has announced the nominees for the Literature Endowment Annual Awards. In the children’s literature category, the following works have been shortlisted:

  • Triinu Laan Poiss ja papa (The Boy and Grandpa)
  • Tiina Laanem Liisu laseb jalga (Liisu Runs Away)
  • Kairi Look Natuke suur (A Little Bit Big)
  • Juhani Püttsepp Leierkastilugu (The Barrel Organ Story)
  • Tiina Tammer Siin on kodu (This is Home)
  • Ilmar Tomusk Kukeleegu! (Kukeleegu!)

The jury for the children’s literature category consisted of Anti Saar (chairman), Mare Müürsepp, and Grete Nootre, who evaluated texts published in 2024.

The winners of the annual awards will be announced on March 14, Estonian Language Day.

The Cultural Endowment’s children’s literature award was established in 1970 and was named the Juhan Smuul Literary Award in 1971. The tradition was interrupted in the early 1990s but was reinstated in 1995 when the Estonian Cultural Endowment began awarding it under the name of the Literature Endowment Annual Award. The awards are given annually to the best works published for the first time in the previous calendar year across various literary categories, including prose, poetry, essays, free award, drama, literary translation from a foreign language into Estonian, literary translation from Estonian into a foreign language, thought literature translation award, children’s literature, literature award for a Russian-language author, and article award.

For more information, visit the Cultural Endowment’s website.

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